I am a shaper, a scribbler, a dabbler, a dribbler, and most definitely not a diddler.

Thanks for exploring my ART. ~Dayna

Shadow Eater: A Recollection

IS OUT NOW on Amazon: HERE

This poetry collection features works of youthful innocence, sexual awakening, familial and personal conflicts, transition to domestic life, and recovery on all levels through art and imagination.

Right as Rain Medicine

There’s something wholly 

Unwholesome about hospitals

Especially ones for ones whose loved ones

Don’t know who they are or where they are from

Or who really wonder what is wrong with them

Only the ones that know what is wrong 

Gets what is right for them.

For everyone else it’s a shot in the dark,

A shot in the arm

A shot that falls short of expectation

It gives rather than takes

It doesn’t take that much

Just a dose or two will do the trick

Will trick you into thinking the drugs are helping

Helping alleviate nothing

Helping make less pain—

Helping make you right as rain

  Metaphysical Poet

She is a poet that paints black and white

And is a black and white dichotomy

Understands nearness

And distance

A gymnast flipping gerunds

Cartwheeling nouns that look like verbs

Or adjectives

Squeezing out vowels 

Twirling an apostrophe 

And kneading a sentence like dough

Always tidying and neatening up

Eight parts of speech in infinite combinations

Filling in the infinitesimal gaps 

Between the senses of our words

For an apostrophe’s address

Of, “Oh god, come to me”

He can stretch a meaning

And a extend a mean

They’re mincers of words

Matching Salty with Sweetness

Tang with Twang

Finding nonsense in sense

Master language like a rubix cube

Each phrase in a turn

Words going uhm and hmu

And mom and wow

And dad and pap 

Anagrams, ambigrams, palindromes

Extracting shades of sense 

Each word a cell, building blocks stacked 

That exists and doesn’t at the same time

Each poem a string of DNA stretching

To the height of me

Age of Argentum

I want to grow silver

A slice of that which is white and dark

A flash and a spark

A sliver of experience in shards

Along the glistening gray hair of age

I want to grow silver

Because no one in my family gets to that stage.

What’s in a Name?

Glory begins in the musty Kentucky bluegrass

Where the butchers are cutting down

The trees for blood


Then wrath moves to the mountains

Moving mountains

To be with the baker

And they raise their kids

With can-do attitudes

And they show them candles &

Sticks, & candles come in all sizes

And dipped and dripped and drabbed

Until they become their full shape

Just like us


Then blank canvases

Woven fabrics, fibers, a cross hatch

People paint designs on them in Harry Styles’ style

Empty pages filled with lines, mines & bars of chords

Taylor Swift writes so fast, so much,

It’s astronomical


And on the other side of the world

There’s a Masked Wolf rapping his gift

About an astronaut in the ocean

When the ocean is up

On the other side of the mirror

And the embers of burnt grass float above

In fiber optical, elliptical glasses

Showing us ourselves 


Song of an Unsound Mind

You’ll never know what you got until it’s gone

Especially when it’s your mind—

You’re unkind to yourself

You put yourself down

You expose a gamut of put downs

About running about town

Without your pretty head

You want to get ahead

You want to win at the game of life

So you keep running a list of things 

To be–to do–behind your eyes

That list is never-ending, never-bending,

Ever sending you haywire

Because it’s never getting done

Only YOU make the requirements

ONLY you can satisfy the overlord

The LORD over you looking down his nose

And you ARE him, so you already know

There’s a hymn in your name

A story only you can sing

And the only way to win is to SIN

And tell the tale about how you’ve broken

And now you’re a token soul

With a message

And Then She Stood

First thing I did was roll over and wonder if I was dead. 

I was awake but nothing. 

No blankets or clothes for a skin. 

No skin stretched over a frame. 

No nerves between my bones.

No marrow.

So I ghosted around the house like air below a future wanderer.

And then she stood.

first published @daynabrowndolan on Twitter

Reference to Billy Collins “First Dream”


Walking the Ware River and Wondering Where We Are

published in Shadow Eater: A Recollection shared here with permission

My uncle clips a crawdad to the back of my sister’s white t-shirt she wears over her bathing suit

To cover up the after school snacks she eats

She squeals and splashes everyone trying to get it off

Every Autumn we walk the Ware River from the edge of my grandparent’s property

I’m walking behind them in my white Keds saved from last school year for this very purpose

The water looks like rust in parts and tastes it too

My shoes are tea colored by the end of it

The water teal in parts

Water clear to the deep bottom in swirling pools, sometimes over my head

Some parts were so shallow my feet could nearly dry before the water would be knee deep 

Again…then to my shoulders, then I’d be floating

There were tall grasses, reeds, and water lilies.

Schools of tiny minnows whirled around us as we passed

But a tiny lobster? That was really something

I thought they only lived in the South

I’d seen some in the Virginia ditches along the street

I used nightcrawlers tied to string to catch them in those trenches

The silt was as black as it was gray, like half-burnt charcoal 

I caught up to sister and unclipped the crawfish from her shirt

Its tiny pinchers made it look like a scorpion 

It flapped its tawny tail and my sister screamed

I dropped the critter and we moved along again…

More to read in the collection Shadow Eater

An Uncomfortable Ride

Published in Shadow Eater: A Recollection shared here with permission

A golden-haired toddler in a stained striped shirt

Boosted in a tan cavalier with tawny seats

Watches out the half-up front window

The wind whistles against the car trim and his locks whip around his eyes

He can hear the radio emitting a tune and he hums along and kicks his feet

The yellow fast food wrappers dance around on the backseat floor

As he flings his little legs his dingy white sock slips down into his light-up sneakers,

And the more he bounces and wriggles the further it wrinkles and bunches in his shoe.

And he’s telling her his foot is silly. Then his shoe, weird. His ankle, breezy, he says to her.

His little voice increasing in the smoky air of the car, but the wind muffles the sound,

Or she ignores him.

More to read in Shadow Eater: A Recollection

Keagan Henman @henmankk

Groupie Love Child

Love is…

a Sharpie 

signature of a 


member on the

 breast of  a 

fan on 

whip ‘em out 


And letting him 

come first,


the sound,

 the rhythm of it

Love is the last piece of

bacon sealed in a plastic bag for after they get 

home from work // And hiding  plastic baggies

 of powder in the night stand // Crying into the pillow 

at night after too many fights over too many worries

Locking up the knives when your depressed

 plus one can’t be trusted near them

Then dialing the police when their 

mind exits their body

 for good ( and ) Smacking

 a child’s hand to keep them

 from the electrical sockets // Leaving pennies 

under a pillow collecting tiny teeth, storing 

them in a baby food jar in the kitchen cabinet 

behind the bottles of booze // Not accepting

 the charges for a collect phone call at three in 

the morning as your child comes out of their room 

bleary eyed and asks, Is everything okay?

Over the raucous guitar solo that leaks out 

of the speaker of his daddy’s 

\number one fan/

I share this poem today for the last day of Mental Health Awareness Month. The awareness month may end, but my struggles won’t.

Part of my mental health issues include the fluidity of my thoughts. Some times they are slow enough for me to understand and at other times they come in flashes—vivid and clear—and still other times they come in floods—fast and overwhelming.

More to come on this event…


Ageless Games

Lush grasses spreading before me 

Like the wall towering above

Shadows falling at my feet, in my home

Clay, reddening and unforgiving in my slide

Enemies at each corner and everywhere 

A white line friendly or keeping me still

My foe on the mound

Closer than the conspirators ninety feet away.

Reaching Boys

A Poem for Teacher Appreciation Week DBD

Every science teacher blushes when

He misspeaks “organism”

While reading aloud the chapter on biology.

Half the children know the word 

And their eyes dart back and forth knowingly

Between him and the ones who are knowing.

And the others wonder what’s so funny

And raise their small, stubby hands.

A student tells me he’s a better title-er 

Than a hooker, and peers snicker and chuckle.

I introduce the role of the hyphen for the twenty-first time.

And I praise them for listening so well. 

I tell them about when I said  

Something loudly and sternly 

To a group of adolescent boys

Clustered and whispering in the corner.

It echoed in the then quiet room.

We share a lesson on eggcorns

A combination of the words

joking and goofing off

That incited raucous giggling.

Some teens float words around 

Trying to determine the blend 

That could produce laughter I described.

A larger boy throws his head back in a raspy laugh

His friends laugh too.

The math teacher inks homework

With the letters wtf over and over

During her unit on functions

And the pupils are too intimidated 

To ask what it means.

She tells me it meant “write the function”

I know it has at least one other meaning.

DBD repost 5/4/22

The Silverfish

If an idea comes to you

And you fail to appreciate it

It will leave you and reside 

With someone who will foster and encourage it

Make it exist 

In its full, richest, surest texture.

You’ve probably experienced this 

At one time or another

When the thought 

Of a killer story or a poem of intrigue 

Comes to you in the shower

And later when you’re recalling that vapor

The vision slips by like a silverfish

On the bathroom sink and climbs

On the bookshelf

Into the book of another

Or in the work in progress

Of someone else. ~ DBD


My Mechanic

Guy in dirty jeans

In the car with steel wrenches

Twisting me away

Snake Charmer

It’s just that Zora was there wearing her dusty mauve hat 

Telling everyone that she knew a snake charmer

In the chalky clouds wafting up from each open mouth

Smoke ringed the patrons softening their edges and blemishes

The liquids lubricate the talkers and they say the snake charmer

Would later kill her spouse for his infidelities and infirmities

And Zora nods that indeed she did. ~DBD 4/14/2022

Growing Up Green

Marbly dark green and brown seed with a crusty ridge

Two vibrant green ovals rise out of moist nutrient-rich chocolatey soil

A neon green fern peeks out of an unfurled stem reaching for constant light

Those cotyledon leaves give way to three fan leaves, then five, 

Rounding out at seven ridged blades stretching outwards

Light adjusted to a sixteen hour days and half that night 

Darkness stunting height and giving girth to an  ever widening stem

Wind enforces flexibility and builds fibers from root to crown

A chartreuse-colored sea anemone-likeness appears ever reaching

To thin the plant and direct energy branches are sacrificed

A slimy concoction of hormones on twig ’s angled end 

And rooted in dampened wool for copies of its mother

Bubbles rise on the leaves like calluses, blisters filled with fluid

The light glistens and reflects off the glass-like shell

They turn milky white, a crystal ball on deep green mats

The blown-glassy bulb turn taupe then a deep amber

These mushroom-shaped structures cling to each leaf 

And house the medicine for its partaker DBD 4/20/2022


Writer Corner