Healing a moment at a time…

Triggers and content varies (medical/mental health, trauma, miscarriage, etc)

Antibiotics, Allergy, Anaphylaxis
Dayna Brown Dolan Dayna Brown Dolan

Antibiotics, Allergy, Anaphylaxis

The first time I had anaphylaxis I was about nine. It was a year when I had a series of health misfortunes. I developed chicken pox, sprained an ankle, had urinary tract infections, and several bouts of strep throat in a span of about six months. On this particular day, I was napping in my mother’s bed, but I don’t remember why I was in her room and not my own. I just remember waking up hot, sweaty, and stuffy like when you’re trying to breathe in Florida after a rainstorm in August. It was disorienting…

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